Friday 2 December 2016

What will survive of us is love

Listening to the news this morning, I heard an item about Philip Larkin's memorial stone in Westminster Abbey. It doesn't include what has become his most famous quote, but it does include the equally meaningful line I have chosen as the title for this post. A friend asked me this week ' What's happened to the Ditch?', and I realise it's been months since I wrote on this blog. There are several reasons for my silence. One is to do with my move earlier this year. Prosaically, now I'm living on the Edge I'd wondered whether to change the name. In reality I live below Brincliffe Edge, but the play on words works as this has been a challenging year, beginning as it did with a major move. And those challenges, which have involved family and friends in my close circle as well as political events in this country and elsewhere, haven't stopped me thinking, but they have made me reconsider my writing and what it's all about. As the national and world view became more incomprehensible to me, I found myself focussing on those I love and their place in my life. Focussing on what I can understand, influence, support and cope with. This doesn't mean I haven't tried to get to grips with Brexit and Trump (and the rest), but I need to be grounded in my own world when the wider world seems so alien. It has been a year of dislocations. Not only have I moved, but my children have had moves and changes. Even my elderly mother is on the move. It's been about finding personal places of safety and refuge, comfort zones and familiarity. For me, it has been about moving back to an area I knew over 23 years ago and finding my place here. It's been a good move and next week I will have my daughter and her husband living round the corner, with a baby on the way. First time granny. I can't wait. So I have been thinking a lot about living in hope. It isn't naivety. Hope is as important as love. It comes back to the old trio of faith, hope and love. So when I woke this morning to Philip Larkin's quote it made a lot of sense. Perhaps one day I will write about his better known quote!

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